Monday, September 9, 2019

Shutdown procedures on Mixers, Crutcher and Pumps Essay

Shutdown procedures on Mixers, Crutcher and Pumps - Essay Example Preferably not all of the succinic acid is flushed through the buffer tank. This means that when the supplies of succinic anhydride, water and alkali are switched on for start-up, there is still some acid in the buffer tank to "seed" the hydrolysis reaction. During the period that the process is not operating, the buffer tank should be maintained at an elevated temperature (typically 60Â °-80Â ° C.) in order to prevent solidification of the succinic acid/anhydride mix’ (Patentstorm 1998). A crutcher is the ‘main reaction vessel in the semi-boiled saponification process, or simply a mixing vessel in the soap modification process. It can be used to make a wide variety of soaps or for mixing additives and fillers into liquid soap. Crutches are very easy to use and are generally found in laundry soap factories. They are also used in more sophisticated plants, such as for making transparent soap. A process is described for retarding or preventing the setting of a miscible and pumpable crutcher slurry intended to be spray dried to base beads for subsequent conversion to a built synthetic organic nonionic detergent composition.

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